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Bài đăng

Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 2, 2023

English in real life - US

Family, interesting, comfortable, vegetable From: Fam i ly /ˈfæm ə li/ > /ˈfæm li/ Vegetable /ˈvedʒ təbl/ Interesting /ˈɪn trəs tɪŋ/ Interest /ˈɪn trəst/ Comfortable /ˈkʌmf ər təbl/ > /ˈkʌmftəbl/ Favorite /ˈfeɪv ə rɪt/ > /ˈfeɪv rɪt/ Chocolate /ˈtʃɔːk ə lət/ > /ˈtʃɔː klət/  Different /ˈdɪf rənt/ Camera /ˈkæm rə/ Catholic /ˈkæθ lɪk/ Listening /ˈlɪs nɪŋ/ (listen /ˈlɪsn/) Memory /ˈmem ə ri/ > /ˈmem ri/ Traveling /ˈtræv lɪŋ/ Natural /ˈnæ tʃrəl/ Actually /ˈæktʃu ə li/ > /ˈæk tʃu li/ Restaurant /ˈrest ə rɑːnt/ > /ˈres trɑːnt/ or tr>ch Separate /ˈseprət/ > /ˈsep rət/ Several /ˈsev rəl/ Temperature /ˈtem prə tʃər/ Business /ˈbɪznəs/ > /ˈbɪz nis/ Every /ˈev ri/ Lottery /ˈlɑː tə ri/ > /ˈlɑː d ə ri/ Refrigerator /rɪˈfrɪdʒəreɪtər/ > Fridge /frɪdʒ/ Artichoke /ˈɑːrtɪtʃəʊk/ >  /ˈɑːr d ɪ tʃəʊk/ Eggplant /ˈeɡ plænt/ Parsnip /ˈpɑːr snɪp/ Avocado /ˌæv ə ˈkɑːdəʊ/ Broccoli /ˈbrɑːk

How to pronounce -es

  ID End with Rules For example (e.g.) 1 /p/, /t/, /k/, /f/, /θ/ /s/ - helps /helps/ - wants /wɑːnts/ - looks /lʊks/, thinks /θɪŋks/ - laughs /lɑːfs/ /læfs/ - baths v /bæθS/ - baths n /bæðZ/ 2 voiced consonants: /b/, /d/, /g/, /v/, /ð/, /m/, /n/, /ŋ, /l/, /r/ vowels /z/ - pubs /pʌbz/ n - birds /bɜːrdz/ n - buildings /ˈbɪldɪŋz/ n - lives /lɪvz/ v -- live /l a ɪv/ adj, adv - baths v /bæθS/ - baths n /bæðZ/ - rooms /ruːmz/ /rʊmz/ n, v - means /miːnz/ v, p.n - things /θɪŋz/ n, lungs /lʌŋz/ n - fills /fɪlz/ v - cars /kɑːrz/ n - dies /daɪz/ v - windows /ˈwɪndoʊz/ 3 /s/, /z/, /ʃ/, /ʒ/, /tʃ/, /dʒ/ /iz/ - kisses /ˈkɪsɪz/ - rose /rəʊz/ > roses /rəʊziz/ - washes /ˈwɒʃɪz/ - rouge > rouges /ˈruːʒɪz/: trang điểm - match /mætʃ/ > matches /ˈmætʃɪz/ - change /tʃeɪndʒ/ > changes /ˈtʃeɪndʒɪz/ 4 baths bath /bæθ/ > baths v /bæθ S / - baths n /bæð Z / verb: She bathes /bæθS/ in the morning. noun: She went to the public baths /bæðZ/ to relax. 4 houses house /haʊs/ > houses /ˈhaʊzɪz/ ...

Suffix -ing -es -ed in English

-ING ID End with Rules For example (e.g.) 1 e End in 'e' - drop the 'e' then add 'ing' live > living drive > driving joke > joking 2 ie End in 'ie': - i > y - drop the 'e' then add 'ing' lie > lying die > dying 3 ee, oe, ye Just add 'ing' see > seeing, agree > agreeing tiptoe > tiptoeing dye > dyeing 4 w, x, y Just add 'ing' bow /baʊ/ > bowing fix /fiks/ > fixing say /seɪ/ > saying 5 vowel + consonant 1. (End in vowel-consonant) + One-syllable word 2. (End in vowel + consonant ) + stress (final syllable) > x2 final cosonant + _ing 1. put > putting sit > sitting cut > cutting run > running 2. beginning 6 c Add a -k + -ing mimic /ˈmɪm.ɪk/ > mimicking 7 consonant + vowel + -l [en] double -l + -ing [us] just add -ing travel > travelling [en] - traveling [us] 8 others Just add 'ing' rain > raining -ED ID End with Rules For example (e.g.) 1 e End in 'e

How to pronounce -ed

Verb ID End with Rules For example (e.g.) e.g. #2 1 /t/, /d/ /ɪd/ 1. want > wanted UK /ˈwɒn.tɪd/ US /ˈwɑːn.t̬ɪd/ 2. need > needed /ˈniːdɪd/ 1. lift > lifted /ˈlɪftɪd/ translate > translated /trænzˈleɪtɪd/ /trænzˈleɪtɪd/ collect > collected /kəˈlektɪd/ 2. landed > landed /ˈlæn.dɪd/ flood > flooded /ˈflʌd.ɪd/ guide > guided /gaɪdɪd/ 2 /p/ k/ /f/ /s/ /ʃ/ /tʃ/ /θ/ /t/ 1. help > helped /helpt/ giúp đỡ 2. look > looked /lʊkt/ nhìn 3. laugh > laughed UK /lɑːft/ - US /læft/ cười 4. kiss > kissed /kɪst/ hôn 5. wash > washed /wɑːʃt/ rửa 6. match > matched /mætʃt/ phù hợp 7. bath /bæθ/ > bathed /bæθt/ (take, give a bath) 1. 2. 3. 4. purchased /ˈpɜːrtʃəst/ mua 5. 6. 7. 3 others /d/ breathe /briːð/ > breathed /briːðd/ (breath /breθ/ n) bathe /beɪð/ v > bathed /beɪðd/ loved /lʌvd/ changed /tʃeɪndʒd/ lived /lɪvd/ roomed /ruːmzd/ /rʊmzd/ Adj Adj Pronunciation Meaning E.g. Verb forms E.g. Naked / ˈneɪkɪd/ Khỏa thân They found him half naked and bleedin

Informal pronunciation cases

Informal pronunciation refers to speech that deviates from standard pronunciation rules in a casual or relaxed setting, such as with friends or family. This can involve using slang words or phrases, reducing the number of syllables in words, or speaking more quickly. Informal pronunciation is often more casual and relaxed compared to formal pronunciation, which follows strict pronunciation rules. Linking techniques: consonant - consonant Cal m m an Whi te t ea John know s S ally' s s eeing Gary Relaxed pronunciation Do you > d'ya Do you know what I mean? > D'ya know what I mean? Want to > wanna Do you want to go with me? > D'ya wanna go with me? Going to > gonna I'm going to go with her  > I'm gonna go with her. Don't know > dunno Are you sure? I don't know > I dunno . Let me > lemme Le me too > Lemme too. Isn't it > innit It's good, isn't it! > It's good, innit ! I don't know what you want to do la